Nicki Minaj pomaže jednom selu u Indiji

23.05.2017  |  NME
Nicki Minaj pomaže jednom selu u Indiji

Pevačica je na Instagramu objavila da je uputila donaciju jednom selu.

Ona je posredstvom svog pastora Lydie Sloley uputila novac od koga je izgrađen kompijuterski centar, krojački institut i dva bunara, a pokrenut je i program za čitanje. This is the kind of thing that makes me feel the most proud. The money I've sent to this village in India for the last couple years [via my Pastor Lydia Sloley], has gotten them a Computer Center, a Tailoring Institute, a Reading Program and 2 WATER WELLS. We complain about the

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