Antalogijska serija dobija svoj film: Dokumentarac o večitom derbiju, fokus finale AdmiralBet ABA lige!
Hot sport 01.11.2022 | Đorđe Sredojević
Swish Cultures, američki medij, napravio je dokumentarni film o večitom košarkaškom derbiju i za sagovornike je imao imena poput Ostina Holinsa i Kevina Pantera.
Dokumentarac je fokusiran na samu atmosferu, tribine, ali i na parket, a u trejleru je sve što možete očekivati od ovog filma. The rivalry between Crvena Zvezda and Partizan has been known as one of the BEST rivalries in the world. Both teams faced off in the ABA League Finals in an INTENSE 5 game series in June. The Derby Documentary goes inside the series to show how real the passion is — Swish Cultures (@swishcultures_) October 31,