Otkazana tri velika turnira, zna se kad će se nastaviti sezona
Alo 16.03.2020 | Alo.rs/I. S.
Nije moglo drugačije.
Čelnici WTA su objavili da se definitivno otkazuju planirani turniri u Istanbulu, Štutgartu i Pragu. Očekuje se da po ugledu na žene, reaguju i muškarci, odnosno ATP. WTA Statement on upcoming clay court swing: Due to the ongoing global coronavirus outbreak, the WTA tournaments in Stuttgart, Istanbul and Prague will not be held as scheduled. At this point in time, the WTA Tour is now suspended until May 2 ---> https://t.co/MWcRZERqIq pic.twitter.com/bgxXXXniIH —