Pogledajte mišiće sina Dejvida Bekama (FOTO)
Alo 21.10.2016
Čini se da je Bruklin Bekam, sin popularnog fudbalera Dejvida Bekama, ide stopama svog oca.
Sin bivšeg fudbalera slikao se dok vežba, a pripadnice lepšeg pola odmah su primetile njegove mišiće. Working hard. @mrbobbyrich light weight lots of reps A photo posted by bb (@brooklynbeckham) on Oct 19, 2016 at 10:17am PDT Working hard. @mrbobbyrich light weight lots of reps A photo posted by bb (@brooklynbeckham) on Oct 19, 2016 at 10:17am PDT Working hard. @mrbobbyrich light weight lots of reps A photo posted by bb (@brooklynbeckham) on Oct