Uznemirujući foto! Jezive scene poginule dece u izraelskim vazdušnim udarima!
Srbija danas 14.07.2018
Haos u Pojasu Gaze
Dvoje dece je poginulo, a još 15 civila je ranjeno tokom izraelskih vazdušnih udara u Pojasu Gaze. Luay kahil 16 years, and Ameer Alnemra 15 years were killed by the targeting of AlKatyba building, western #Gaza Strip Israeli forces kill innocence of children .. #GazaUnderAttack #gazastrip #GazaUnderAttack #palestine — Alaa Massoud #Gaza (@masoud_alaa) July 14, 2018 Ciljana je zgrada "Battalion" u zapadnom delu grada