U Australiji umro čuveni kengur-bodibilder (VIDEO)

Vesti online 10.12.2018  |  Sputnjik, Vestionline

Kengur Rodžer iz nacionalnog parka u australijskom Alis Springsu, kog su na društvenim mrežama nazvali boldibilderom, preminuo je u 12. godini života.

Roger When Roger was alpha boss male his height when standing was about 2 metres (6ft 7) - same height as me. The clucking noise he is making is telling me to get away from his lady kangaroos. And the red on his neck is a scent that males rub onto trees etc to mark their territory. Објава коју дели The Kangaroo Sanctuary (@thekangaroosanctuary) дана 16. Нов 2018. у 1:39 PST Rodžera je spasao Kris Barns, kada je majku bebe kengura udario

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