Mislila sam da ću poludeti, nisam imala ni trenutak mira: Glumica otvorila dušu pratiocima na Instagramu i progovorila o šestomesečnoj ćerki!
Kurir 15.05.2019
Glumica Hilari Daf je krajem prošle godine postala majka devojčice Benks Vajolet i sada otkriva da je bila prinuđena da prestane sa dojenjem.
View this post on Instagram THIS ONE’S FOR THE LADIES Just a few thoughts that I wanted to share on Breast-feeding. Last week was my last week nursing Banks (my six month old) I am a working mom of two. My goal was to get my little girl to six months and then decide if I (and her of course) wanted to keep going. Let me tell you. Pumping at work sucks. I had zero down time and am usually pumping in a hair and make up trailer while four hands work