Devet sekundi užasa koje će Zagreb zauvek pamtiti: “Puca mi vodenjak, a onda puca sve po kući”; “Bosi i goli smo gledali kako nam se kuća ruši…”

Nedeljnik 30.03.2020  |

A photograph taken on March 22, 2020 shows cars destroyed by building rubbles in the streets of downtown Zagreb, after an earthquake hit the country at 06:00 am (0500 GMT).

A 5.3-magnitude earthquake shook the Croatian capital of Zagreb on March 22, 2020, damaging buildings and cutting electricity in a number of neighbourhoods., Image: 508452013, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Damir SENCAR / AFP / Profimedia Hrvatska se, kao i ostatak Evrope i sveta, bori sa širenjem koronavirusa i usred te borbe, čitavu zemlju je potresao zemljotres koji se dogodio u Zagrebu. Tresla se hrvatska prestonica, a

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