Tačno u ponoć je trebalo da počne primirje, a usledila noć puna akcije! Rat se sada vodi u tri pravca!
Alo 20.10.2020 | Alo.rs/Tanjug/M.Lj.
Obnovljeni sukobi oko Nagorno-Karabaha izbili su 27. septembra nakon što su su se tokom leta azerbejdžanske i jermenske snage sukobile na granici dve zemlje.
This is the cotton factory between Tartar and Agdam (area which was not under Armenian occupation).The area was under artillery bombardment all day. Two bombs hit the factory. Humanitarian ceasefire is not observed by Armenian army #BeFairUN #DontBelieveArmenia pic.twitter.com/f3kWCDfg6E — Firuze Rzayeva (@RzayevaFiruze) October 19, 2020 This is the cotton factory between Tartar and Agdam (area which was not under Armenian occupation).The area was under artillery