Otišla je, a tu ne možemo da je pratimo: Oglasio se poznati Amerikanac i iznenadio ovim rečima! (video)

Alo 22.01.2021  |  Alo.rs/T.Đ

Bolest je bila jača od njene volje za životom

Zbog teške bolesti, posednjih nekoliko meseci provela je u teškom stanju boreći se za život. Iako joj je u bolnici SAD-u pružena najbolja moguća lekarska nega, bolest je, nažalost bila jača. It is a night of great sadness, for our friend and comrade had gone down the road where we cannot reach her. But as with all things, we will catch up with her in time, and I believe she will have many stories to tell us, and many new roles to share with the universe.

Mira Furlan »

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