Judge Slavko Žugić – Justice at work

Cenzolovka 24.02.2021  |  Veran Matić

Dragoljub Simonovic, former mayor of Grocka, charged with the first-instance verdict for ordering burning of the house of journalist Milan Jovanovic, with lawyers Gostiljac, Vukovic, Zora Dobricanin and others, rudely domineered the trial with numerous obstructions - at hearings (when there were any) and during delays for various reasons.

They were often a finger in the eye of the fact-finding process in this nationally and internationally important case of the assault on a journalist, the most severe in our country after the assassination attempt on the family of journalist Dejan Anastasijevic. Their „torturing“ over the victims lasted for almost two years – the victims being Milan Jovanović and his wife Jela Deljanin, as well as over Judge Slavko Žugić, who conducted the trial in a professional

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