'The horrific scenes struck fear into my heart!' Ana Lečić speaks with Kurir about the role of Božica in Dara of Jasenovac

Kurir 26.02.2021

Ana Lečić, Serbia's young acting hopeful and daughter of actor and former minister of culture, Branislav Lečić, was brilliant in her role of Božica, one of the three overseers at the Stara Gradiška concentration camp.

Ana revealed for Kurir how she had prepared for the shoot and how she felt as she watched the harrowing scenes on the television screen. How did you end up collaborating with Predrag Antonijević and being hired for the film Dara of Jasenovac? "Sara Marinković was in charge of casting, so she got to me through a colleague of mine, Pavle Popović, and invited me to the casting." Actors don't often get a chance to play the role of a villain. You are playing Božica and

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