Bodrozic: Someone does not want the truth about Curuvija murder to come out

Cenzolovka 12.04.2021

The head of the Independent Association of Journalists (NUNS), Zeljko Bodrozic, said Sunday that 22 years after the murder of journalist and owner of "Dnevni Telegraf" and "Evropljanin" Slavko Curuvija, no one has been convicted of that crime.

Curuvija was killed on April 11, 1999, in front of the building where he lived in Svetogorska Street in Belgrade. Speaking at Nova S television, Bodrozic said that, based on the prosecutor’s final words, it was clear that the state was behind the murder. He pointed out that it was a „mistake of the new authorities“ after 2000, and that it was all well calculated. „It is obvious that it’s all about the calculations. That, as they call it, the deep state has

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