Free weekend in Sarajevo for 2,000 medical workers from Serbia

BizLife 20.07.2021  |  021, Tanjug

As a sign of gratitude for the vaccines that Serbia donated to the Sarajevo canton, the representatives of this canton decided to distribute e-codes worth BAM 200 for staying in 14 Sarajevo hotels to Serbian healthcare workers who worked in covid departments.

As Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton Edin Forto and President of Sarajevo Canton Tourist Community Kenan Magoda pointed out at the press conference in Belgrade, the value of the “Holidays in Sarajevo” project would be the equivalent of 20,000 Astra Zeneca vaccines donated by Serbia to this canton. The value is around 200,000 euros. Considering that the e-code is worth BAM 200, i.e. about EUR 100, 2,000 healthcare workers could go on vacation that includes two

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