Mali explains: Minimum wage went up 5 times more than consumer basket

BizLife 31.08.2021  |  Beta

“This is the first time that our minimum wage will be almost EUR 300 and it is a sign of continuity that the Government of Serbia has been implementing when it comes to the minimum wage since 2017, when we completed fiscal consolidation and some difficult measures that are behind us”, Mali said for RTS TV.

He added that the greatest part of the increase in the minimum wage would be compensated by the state, through an increase of the non-taxable part of income and a reduction of contributions for PIO (Retirement and Disability) Fund. He added that the minimum wage had increased by 52 percent since 2017, while in the same period, as Mali said, the recorded growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) was 17.3 percent. Mali pointed out that this was still not enough for

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