Tuđman and Milošević were allies! Nobilo in a Kurir exclusive: 'Croatia won't admit it's 200,000 expelled Serbs short!'

Kurir 13.01.2022

'Franjo Tuđman wanted to become the president of Croatia that spanned the largest possible territory in history, and Milošević simply misused the Croatian Serbs,' Croatian lawyer says

Anto Nobilo is the best-known Croatian lawyer. He has been practising law for nearly three decades, and had previously worked as a prosecutor. He has been involved in many cases that have attracted media attention – the arrest of the paramilitary guard leader Željko Ražnatović Arkan and the murder of the Serbian Zec family in Zagreb in the early 1990s – and he also took an active part in a Hague Tribunal case. In his interview with Kurir, Nobilo talks about the

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