U Londonu uhapšen muškarac koji je nožem napao dva policajca
Radio sto plus 18.04.2022
Osumnjičeni koji ima 29 godina i čiji identitet nije saopšten, priveden je zbog pokušaja ubistva i posedovanja oružja, navodi se u saopštenju Skotland Jarda.
Incident se dogodio jutros oko 9.00 kod Dauning strita, rezidencije Borisa Džonsona (Johnson). foto: prt.scr UPDATE: We’ve released a statement following an incident at Horse Guards earlier during which two MOD Police officers were confronted by a man with a knife. The man was arrested. He remains in custody. The incident is not being treated as terror-related. https://t.co/c6FHS3zbI4 — MPS Westminster (@MPSWestminster) April 18, 2022