Fiat’s workers unblocked highway, talks with Vucic on Saturday

BizLife 23.06.2022

Yesterday, after 6 pm, Fiat’s workers finished the protest and highway blockade at the Sava Centre, after the agreement that President Aleksandar Vucic would receive them on Saturday, at nine o’clock in the morning, the media reported.

Workers of the Kragujevac-based Fiat factory, dissatisfied with the social program offered by the Government of Serbia and the company Stellantis, came to Belgrade in an organized manner, where they blocked the highway at the Sava Centre for several hours – until they received written guarantees that president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, would receive them. “If they trick us, we will come again,” Zoran Miljkovic told the protesters. He said it was not true that

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