Eksplozija gasa u Engleskoj: Vatra zahvatila 20 stanova, ima žrtava (foto/video)
Večernje novosti 04.07.2022 | Tanjug
NAJMANJE jedna osoba je poginula, a tri su povređene, od kojih dve teže, u snažnoj eksploziji gasa i velikom požaru koji je izbio u stambenom bloku u engleskom gradu Bedfordu.
Foto: Printskrin Twitter/HafiRahman_ · Kako navodi Bi-Bi-Si, troje povređenih je prebačeno u bolnicu. A shocking gas explosion destroys a block of flats in #Bedford pic.twitter.com/mCyn7h57gz — Hafi Rahman (@HafiRahman_) July 4, 2022 At the scene of an explosion at a block of flats in #Bedford people living close by say it felt like an earthquake. Two people have been taken to hospital. The school it backs onto has closed. More @bbclookeast #bbcnews