Bizarni incident kod Bele kuće: Dve žene i dva muškarca udario grom u parku blizu sedišta predsednika SAD, zadobili teške povrede

Kurir 05.08.2022

Četiri osobe teško su povređene nakon što ih je u četvrtak uveče udario grom u blizini Bele kuće.

Got this picture from the scene of where the four people were struck by lightning in Lafayette Park. Courtesy: Alister Martin — Christian Flores (@CFloresNews) August 5, 2022 Dve žene i dva muškarca stradali su tokom jake oluje u parku Lafajet u Vašingtonu, saopštili su vatrogasci. Our camera was rolling on the White House North Lawn tonight when lightning struck Lafayette Park nearby, injuring four. The thunder was so loud,

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