Deca U Gazi nemaju ni vodu Izrael uveo potpunu blokadu
Alo 01.02.2024
Deca u južnoj Gazi imaju pristup samo 2 odsto ili manje od dnevne potrošnje vode koju preporučuje Svetska zdravstvena organizacija.
U januaru su imali pristup samo 1,5 do 2 litre vode dnevno u odnosu na preporuku SZO-a od najmanje 100 litara. Displacement, overcrowding, and lack of safe water and adequate hygiene are fueling disease spread in #Gaza. As the war rages on, the struggling health system is increasingly unable to effectively detect or control outbreaks. @WHO has provided @UNRWA with the 'Early Warning,… — WHO in occupied Palestinian territory (@WHOoPt)