It's shameful; Spajić confirmed: Montenegro will vote in favor of the resolution on Srebrenica

B92 09.05.2024  |  Tanjug

The Government of Montenegro will vote for the Resolution on Srebrenica in the United Nations (UN), but is ready to support other resolutions concerning the condemnation of crimes and genocide in these areas.

"We will join the condemnation of every genocide," the government announced. Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajić, said at the prime minister's hour that the country will vote for the Resolution on the Srebrenica genocide, and then declared that he is a pro-Western man. "I have always advocated a pro-Western course, that is no secret. I am a pro-Western man, I have spent my whole life in the ideological West. There are no dilemmas here, and as far as our

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