Open season on journalists during Serbia’s municipal elections

Cenzolovka 07.06.2024

Serbia’s local elections on 2 June saw a surge in press freedom violations, with reporters being subjected to physical and verbal attacks and smear campaigns carried by tabloid media outlets. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges the authorities to make every effort to arrest those responsible for the violence and to guarantee journalists’ safety.

The victims of the attacks on journalists on 2 June included Mašina news site reporter Marko Miletic, who was subjected to intimidation outside the local branch of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in the north Belgrade suburb of Zemun Polje by SNS activists, who surrounded him and tried to grab the phone he was using to film their branch office. The victims also included Ugljesa Bokic, a reporter for the Danas newspaper, who was physically attacked by a

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