Citizens of Zemun wrote to the authorities: “Hawk Eye” prescribes fines, but people have nowhere to park

BizLife 13.10.2020  |  BIZLife

In the last two weeks, many tenants of Karadjordjeva Street in Zemun received several fines from the Community Service Police and the “Hawk Eye” system for improper parking.

For that reason, the presidents of the assemblies of 15 housing communities, who represent more than 2,500 tenants, sent two petitions and requests to the authorities in the City Assembly. “The requests that were sent include: introduction of the Zone System of the PUC Parking Servis, removal of a large number of cars unregistered for more than 6 months, cessation of the sanctioning of parking on the odd-numbered side of Stevana Markovica and Karadjordjeva streets

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