Dragan Đilas's imaginary worlds: Freedom and Justice Party leader at odds with common sense, logic, and actual figures!

Kurir 05.11.2020

Despite the incontrovertible reality, expressed in precise numbers, in which we have had a record of successes in the economy and the fight against crime and the coronavirus, Đilas is trying to persuade us that Serbia without him in power is Europe's black hole.

The leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice Dragan Đilas has created a whole imaginary world for himself, and is trying to drag everyone around him into it. In his public appearances and, even more noticeably, in the way he treats his associates, the name of Đilas's favourite game is quoting misleading numbers and twisting facts, whether he is talking about the economy, how to curb the coronavirus epidemic, the state's fight against crime, or his political

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