Aleksandar Vulin for Kurir: 'My sons see more of me on TV than at home! They'll be better fathers than me!'

Kurir 29.01.2021

'When I get back home, Sergej and Oleg are asleep. When I leave, they haven't woken up yet. I miss them and I know that I cannot go back to the day when they wrote their first letters, lost their first tooth, or said something funny.'

In his Christmas interview with Kurir, Minister of Internal Affairs Aleksandar Vulin said that he would also be spending this Christmas far from his family home, and was open about how difficult that was for him. He discussed openly the goals set at the start of his term in office as minister, the first personnel cuts in a rather sensitive portfolio, as well as the hidden messages that many read into his public appearances. In a less than typical media interview,

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