“Mame su zakon” (Moms rule): About 9,000 women on maternity leaves received less than minimum wage

BizLife 20.07.2021  |  BIZLife

The press release of the initiative says that a total of 8,944 women during maternity leave, which is a period of 45 days, received allowances lower than the minimum wage in Serbia.

As it is stated, in 2018 (as of July 1), 2,326 women on maternity leave received allowances lower than the minimum wage, in 2019 3,507 of them, in 2020 2,426, and this year (until March 1) 649 of them. Furthermore, a total of 8,970 women in the period from July 1, 2018 to March 1 this year, during the period of child care, received allowances lower than the national minimum wage. It is stated that in 2018 (as of July 1) 2,338 women received less than the minimum

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