Academician Vladimir Kanjuh: 'The unvaccinated at 30 times the risk of the vaccinated, danger of new wave looming!'

Kurir 12.08.2021

'The virus and the vaccines being created in the lab at the same time is a cock-and-bull story. Taking the jab is a moral duty,' renowned MD and academician Vladimir Kanjuh says.

Vladimir Kanjuh (92), a world-renowned cardiovascular pathologist and member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), warns that a new wave of the coronavirus pandemic will loom over us unless the number of those vaccinated goes up. In his recent paper titled "15 Questions and 15 Answers on Humanity's Struggle Against Covid-19 and Future More Dangerous Virus Pandemics" – which Kurir is publishing exclusive excerpts from – Kanjuh says that the Delta

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