Povezane vesti
In Đakovica, an albanian dog has more rights than a serbian woman: Dragica Gašić is banned from entering shops, stays in!
Kurir 12.08.2021
She is not a guest at the place she is being driven away from. Or a leaf from a walnut tree blown off at dusk by a breeze from Mount Paštrik. Her roots run deep in Metohija's soil, in which everything thrives except Serbs. A word of warning: What you are… »
Interview, Dr Kon for Kurir: New rules for schools? Vaccinated students older than 12 to go to class, the unvaccinated online!
Kurir 12.08.2021
"Separating vaccinated students older than 12 years of age from those unvaccinated is the only logical solution that I can see for the start of the school year. Those who have had the jab should have in-person classes, and those that haven't can have… »
Knin serbs' painful memories of the Storm: 'When they drove us out, our house burned down, but our icon and thurible didn't'
Kurir 12.08.2021
Gojko Radmilović from Žegari, near Knin, was only 11 when Operation Storm was launched. In Serbia, he never stopped dreaming of his home village, which is where he has returned and started a family. " Knin. I don't remember the image! I only remember… »
Academician Vladimir Kanjuh: 'The unvaccinated at 30 times the risk of the vaccinated, danger of new wave looming!'
Kurir 12.08.2021
'The virus and the vaccines being created in the lab at the same time is a cock-and-bull story. Taking the jab is a moral duty,' renowned MD and academician Vladimir Kanjuh says. Vladimir Kanjuh (92), a world-renowned cardiovascular pathologist and member… »
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