Interview, Dr Kon for Kurir: New rules for schools? Vaccinated students older than 12 to go to class, the unvaccinated online!

Kurir 12.08.2021

"Separating vaccinated students older than 12 years of age from those unvaccinated is the only logical solution that I can see for the start of the school year.

Those who have had the jab should have in-person classes, and those that haven't can have online classes," Dr Predrag Kon, chief physician, epidemiologist, and member of the Covid-19 Task Force, said in an interview with Kurir. Can this be done? "Although it's recommended, vaccination of children older than 12 is practically non-existent. I say this as an epidemiologist – and I assure you it's true – creating workplace groups in which those vaccinated and

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