Rođendanska poruka Andžeja Sapkovskog
Danas 18.09.2021 | K. Č. D.
Nakon deset godina kontinuiranog objavljivanja dela Andžeja Sapkovskog u izdanju Čarobne knjige, renomirani autor ukazao je veliku čast toj izdavačkoj kući obrativši joj se kao izdavaču, ali i publici u Srbiji, rođendanskom porukom povodom ovog značajnog jubileja.
Birthday message from Andrzej Sapkowski My Dear Readers, This year celebrates the 10th anniversary of Geralt’s encounter with your country, Serbia. Writing books is one thing, their longevity is another. I am highly honored to see that after all this time, people are still excited about following the adventure alongside the Witcher. For this, I have to thank my publisher Čarobna knjiga who believed in my work. But this story would be hollow without you, the