‘Jack nicholson and rock hudson hit on me, I beat halid up!’ The life story of Olympic champion Ante Josipović

Kurir 02.04.2024

He was the first man from these parts, after Tito, who posed for the cover of The New York Times.

He was the champion of Yugoslavia and the Balkans, and an Olympic winner. He was shot at, but he survived. He says it's because the doctors from Banja Luka are the best in the world. He's missing a finger on his left leg – they had to amputate it. He has two sons, from two marriages. He's been through a lot I was born in Banja Luka in 1961. I lived on the outskirts, so I have that rural life in me, life on the outskirts. But let me tell you this, as soon as I

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