Viktor Troicki: 'I'm proud of having both Russian and Serbian blood!' Tennis player openly on Nadal, Federer and Đoković

Kurir 21.09.2021

He was literally two points away from becoming one of ten best tennis players in the world. But he lost. That's life. This one defeat was a turning point in his professional career. In his private life, there were a few such turning points. The most important ones are called Irina and Darija. He is one of the people who can say that they are happy with their life

I was named after my grandfather Viktor, who I never met. I remember my grandma Irina well, of course, because she was taking care of me when I was a child. So, I was named after my granddad, and my oldest daughter was named after grandma. My father's parents came to Serbia in 1917, right after the October Revolution, as small children. My grandma was only three and my granddad was about six when they emigrated, like many other rich and respectable Russians back in

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