Ivanka Popović for Kurir: 'i worked a lot, let others be the judge of the results! I'm glad to have more time for university work'

Kurir 21.09.2021
Ivanka Popović for Kurir: 'i worked a lot, let others be the judge of the results! I'm glad to have more time for university…

'It's always easy to know what should have been done in hindsight. We have made every effort to ensure there were no oversights, but in a system with multiple decision-making levels, things can slip through the net,' outgoing UoB Rector, Ivanka Popović, says.

The Rector of the University of Belgrade (UoB) Ivanka Popović ends her term in office on 1 October. In a farewell interview with Kurir, as she summed up what had been accomplished in the past three years, she said that she had achieved a lot with her team, but that others should be the judge of the results. Half of her term in office was marked, among other things, by working in a pandemic environment, which was a challenge, she pointed out. The effects of working

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