Izvor: Sandžak haber/Društvo arhiva vesti 24.03.2016
Karić: Kupili smo “Novu”, BK TV od septembra
Sandžak haber 24.03.2016
Serbian businessman Bogoljub Karic answers questions during an interview with Reuters in Belgrade May 18, 2005. Giving his views on business and politics in the Balkans, Karic said "Serbia needs a Putin" to clean up the corruption that has plagued the… »
Novosti: Bajatoviću ostaje pet fotelja
Sandžak haber 24.03.2016
Kopaonik, 9. marta 2016 - Generalni direktor Srbijagasa Dusan Bajatovic govori tokom panela u okviru Kopaonik biznis foruma pod nazivom " Restrukturiranje drzavnih preduzeca − uspesni primeri i dileme". FOTO TANJUG / NEMANJA JOVANOVIC / tj Ne postoji… »