Izvor: Peščanik/Društvo arhiva vesti 17.06.2018

Public-private government

Public-private government

Peščanik 17.06.2018
The minister of traffic and infrastructure triumphantly announced a solution to all our problems recently – public-private partnerships (PPPs). According to her: “In the previous period we were dedicated to stabilizing the budget, which is one of the… »
Who pays Vucic’s salary

Who pays Vucic’s salary

Peščanik 17.06.2018
On Monday June 4 th, president Aleksandar Vucic got angry when someone on some television said that the salary level and growth should be compared with prices, i.e. inflation. The president said it would be pointless and returned to his favorite… »


Peščanik 17.06.2018
It took us four years to find out why the only correct decision – that Sinisa Mali had stolen other people’s research results (Mali also stole from Wikipedia) and presented them as his doctoral thesis – hasn’t been reached by the university yet… »