Izvor: N1 Info/Zabava arhiva vesti 10.12.2018
Pristina eventual new moves against Belgrade will further deteriorate relations
N1 Info 10.12.2018
If Kosovo implements new measures against Belgrade, they will include the recognition of documents, ban on vehicles with Serbia’s licence plates and the registration of foreign companies which supply Kosovo with goods from Serbia, Haki Shatri, an… »
Tart od breskvi i borovnica
N1 Info 10.12.2018
Jede vam se nešto slatko, a imate manjak vremena? Ovo je poslastica koju spremite "o'čas posla", a oduševiće vas! Sastojci: - lisnato testo - konzerva breskvi iz kompota - 2 šake borovnica ili mešanog bobičastog voća - šećer po ukusu - 3 kašike… »
Ulaznice za Tadž Mahal pet puta skuplje za lokalne turiste
N1 Info 10.12.2018
Indijske vlasti saopštile su da će ulaznice za Tadž Mahal biti pet puta skuplje za indijske turiste, kako bi se smanjio broj turista i smanjile štete najposećenijem mestu u Indiji. Ulaznica za Tadž Mahal povećana je sa 50 rupija (0,70 dolara) na… »
Serbian parliament has raised number of women, speaker says
N1 Info 10.12.2018
Women in Serbia have won the right to head the government, national bank, hold seats on the Constitutional Court and other important posts, Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic said on Monday. “The Serbian parliament has 94 women MPs and many of them head… »