Izvor: N1 Info arhiva vesti 11.12.2018

Hiljade albanskih studenata protestuju protiv školarina

Hiljade albanskih studenata protestuju protiv školarina

N1 Info 11.12.2018
Studenti albanskih državnih univerziteta koji protestuju zbog visine školarina okupili su se u najvećem broju do sada i zapretili eskalacijom ako im zahtevi ne budu ispunjeni. Hiljade studenata su nosile slike, duvale u vuvuzele i skandirale "Snizite… »
Road to EU depends on Serbia, Delegation chief says

Road to EU depends on Serbia, Delegation chief says

N1 Info 11.12.2018
Serbia’s road to the European Union depends more on itself than on the Union, EU Delegation chief Sem Fabrizi told N1 on Tuesday. “Our view is clear, the more reforms Serbia implements, the better their quality, the faster the process of opening… »