Izvor: Peščanik/Društvo arhiva vesti 28.12.2018

Top lista sunovrata

Top lista sunovrata

Peščanik 28.12.2018
Godina sa rednim brojem 2018. se upravo gasi i nestaje u bezdanoj prošlosti. Sklon sam da, kao i lani u ovo vreme, napravim neki bilans, listu haotičnog razaranja okupiranog društva. Inventar će biti okrenut naglavce, od deset do nule. Mogao sam da… »
Petty thieves

Petty thieves

Peščanik 28.12.2018
The team behind the prime minister Ana Brnabic is weak. If it were a solid team, they wouldn’t have to review her statements after they were already made and the damage done. The right team would convincingly explain to Brnabic that she must prepare and… »
Yellow vest or bloody shirt, you decide

Yellow vest or bloody shirt, you decide

Peščanik 28.12.2018
Of course the government caused Saturday’s protest. No, not with their chronic mismanagement and corruption – but by setting up cheap (and, yet, handsomely paid) replicas of the Arc de Triomphe in the ruined center of Belgrade. Because of this… »
Tiranijom protiv istine

Tiranijom protiv istine

Peščanik 28.12.2018
Vrhovni cilj ove vlasti je borba protiv slobode građana da tragaju za istinom. Razlog je jednostavan – nema potrebe tražiti je jer ona već postoji i u rukama je vlasti. Naša vlast tačno zna šta je dobro, a šta je zlo. Za nju je dobro ono što je… »