Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 25.09.2020
Unqualified workers have the highest chances for employment
BizLife 25.09.2020
Apart from the workers who until recently, and mostly during summer months, were engaged in seasonal jobs, mostly in construction, those who are ready to work on the simplest jobs are also able to find employment quickly these days. Among them… »
Borders opened: Citizens of Serbia can go to Cyprus as of today
BizLife 25.09.2020
As of today, September 24 th, Serbian citizens can enter the territory of Cyprus if they have a negative PCR test, not older than 72 hours. Certain categories of persons may take the test upon their arrival in Cyprus at their own expense: Cypriot… »
Srušio se “mig 21” kod Loznice
BizLife 25.09.2020
Tokom izvršenja redovnog letačkog zadatka jutros oko 9 časova srušio se avion „mig 21” Vojske Srbije u rejonu sela Brasina kod Malog Zvornika. Na lice mesta upućena je ekipa Službe traganja i spasavanja RV i PVO i nadležni organi, saopštilo je… »