Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 04.03.2021

Textbooks of special national interest are introduced

Textbooks of special national interest are introduced

BizLife 04.03.2021
It is proposed that the “textbook set, i.e. the textbooks of special national interest” should consist of the textbooks for the Serbian language and literature, history and geography, it is stated in the announcement of the Ministry. A preparatory… »
Pandemic takes its toll: Export of IT services grows by only 4.4%

Pandemic takes its toll: Export of IT services grows by only 4.4%

BizLife 04.03.2021
The export of IT services in December 2020 was a third higher than a year earlier, they say. “This is not the result we have become accustomed to in recent years, when the export of IT services grew at an average rate above 25 percent, but the pandemic… »
Warning “from the brink of bankruptcy”: Protest of arms producers is being prepared

Warning “from the brink of bankruptcy”: Protest of arms producers is being prepared

BizLife 04.03.2021
“The result of such management and non-compliance with factory procedures are losses of over 40 million dollars generated in 2017 alone. The total losses of the company reached around RSD 18 billion and RSD 3 billion is the loss above the amount of… »
Eksplodirala je tokom korone i ostaje ključna platforma u 2021.

Eksplodirala je tokom korone i ostaje ključna platforma u 2021.

BizLife 04.03.2021
Kompanija predviđa rast prihoda od 42 odsto za ovu godinu, saopšteno je u objavi tromesečnih rezultata, iako je verovatno da će zahvaljujući vakcinama protiv kovida-19 biti smanjena potreba za obrazovanjem i radom na daljinu. Od februara 2020. do… »
Neverovatna priča o uspehu: Od škole bez krede do „škole budućnosti“ za četiri godine (foto)

Neverovatna priča o uspehu: Od škole bez krede do „škole budućnosti“ za četiri godine (foto)

BizLife 04.03.2021
„Ja sam došao u školu koja nije imala kredu i sunđer, a sad sunđer i ne koristimo imamo bele table, pametne table i đaci koriste flomaster. To je bio izazov za mene, da budem iskren. Ideš da radiš, a škola ti se ruši. Nastavnici uz doručak… »
Veliki konkurs RGZ za zapošljavanje: 321 mesto – ko može da se prijavi?

Veliki konkurs RGZ za zapošljavanje: 321 mesto – ko može da se prijavi?

BizLife 04.03.2021
Očekuje se da će konkurs za zapošljavanje 321 stručnjaka biti oglašen tokom sledeće nedelje. Tražiće se 217 osoba sa visokom stručnom spremom, a biće oglašeno i 37 radnih mesta koja zahtevaju višu stručnu spremu i 67 radnih mesta sa srednjom… »