Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 24.08.2021
Lists are made: Unvaccinated medical workers to receives half of salary
BizLife 24.08.2021
All doctors, nurses, technicians, as well as support staff in Serbian hospitals who refuse immunisation, will receive their salaries without bonuses, incentives or allowances for on call duty, the director of the Covid hospital in Batajnica, Tatjana Adzic… »
Media about failed expectations: Why did significantly fewer numbers of Serbs go to Greece?
BizLife 24.08.2021
Greek caterers expected to have the same number of Serbian tourists this year as they did in 2019, but now they say they were wrong in their assessment. While more than a million of tourists from our country visited Greece in 2019, it is estimated that… »
Zemlja u kojoj ljudi zaposedaju placeve jer su stanovi preskupi
BizLife 24.08.2021
Glavni grad Santijago ima najveće cene kvadratnog metra stambenog prostora u Latinskoj Americi. Država skoro da ne reguliše ništa na tržištu nekretnina. Prema podacima Ministarstva za socijalna pitanja, nedostaje 497.560 stanova. To je dovelo do… »
Aoc predstavlja četiri profesionalna qhd i 4k monitora s pametnom usb-c vezom
BizLife 24.08.2021
Danas radno mesto mora biti fleksibilnije nego ikad. Mnogi profesionalni korisnici navikli su da koriste prenosne računare za rad s bilo kog mesta. Međutim, većina bi se takođe složila da rad na malom ekranu prenosnog računara nije tako efikasan kao… »