Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 31.12.2021

Economists say there is no money, Mali claims: There is money for all types of assistance

Economists say there is no money, Mali claims: There is money for all types of assistance

BizLife 31.12.2021
“The new aid intended for young people shows how strong our state is and how stable our public finances are. We are helping those who need help the most, and those are pensioners who will receive RSD 20,000 on February 10. It was also decided to adopt a… »
In 11 months, significantly higher import and export

In 11 months, significantly higher import and export

BizLife 31.12.2021
The total foreign trade of Serbia in the period January-November amounted to about 45.32 billion euros and it is 24.8 percent higher than in the same period last year. The deficit amounted to 6.06 billion euros, which is an increase of 13.6 percent… »
In 11 months, significantly higher import and export

In 11 months, significantly higher import and export

BizLife 31.12.2021
The total foreign trade of Serbia in the period January-November amounted to about 45.32 billion euros and it is 24.8 percent higher than in the same period last year. The deficit amounted to 6.06 billion euros, which is an increase of 13.6 percent… »
Economists say there is no money, Mali claims: There is money for all types of assistance

Economists say there is no money, Mali claims: There is money for all types of assistance

BizLife 31.12.2021
“The new aid intended for young people shows how strong our state is and how stable our public finances are. We are helping those who need help the most, and those are pensioners who will receive RSD 20,000 on February 10. It was also decided to adopt a… »
Let’s say we expel Rio Tinto tomorrow, do you want to provide a billion euros?”

Let’s say we expel Rio Tinto tomorrow, do you want to provide a billion euros?”

BizLife 31.12.2021
Speaking about the protests caused by the intention of the Rio Tinto company to exploit lithium in the Jadar Valley, Vucic said that the company had been brought to Serbia “by those who are calling for protests today and they committed themselves to the… »
A večeras u Beogradu Vesićev spektakl – bal pod maskama!

A večeras u Beogradu Vesićev spektakl – bal pod maskama!

BizLife 31.12.2021
Zamenik gradonačelnika Beograda Goran Vesić objavio je na svom Fejsbuk profilu da je Beograd pripremio pedeset hiljada maski koje će biti dodeljene posetiocima novogodišnjeg koncerta. “Beograd je pripremio pedeset hiljada maski koje će biti deljene… »
Pao apetit za investiranje? Šta milioneri očekuju od 2022.?

Pao apetit za investiranje? Šta milioneri očekuju od 2022.?

BizLife 31.12.2021
Očekivanja bogatih ulagača i dalje su nagnuti prema “bikovskim” akcijama a u 2022. očekuju veće kamatne i poreske stope. U tradicionalnoj anketi CNBC-a, 41 odsto milionera očekuje da će ekonomija ojačati sledeće godine, naspram 35 procenata… »
Čen Bo: 2021. je godina daljeg napretka u razvoju odnosa Kine i Srbije

Čen Bo: 2021. je godina daljeg napretka u razvoju odnosa Kine i Srbije

BizLife 31.12.2021
Prema njenim rečima, 2021. godina je od velikog značaja u kineskoj istoriji. “Na stogodišnjicu osnivanja Komunističke partije Kine, Kina je postigla svoj prvi stogodišnji cilj, eliminisala je apsolutno siromaštvo i izgradila umereno prosperitetno… »
Ekonomski rezultati kojima Srbija završava 2021.

Ekonomski rezultati kojima Srbija završava 2021.

BizLife 31.12.2021
Bruto investicije u osnovna sredstva u 2021. godini pokazuju realan rast od 14,1 odsto, u poređenju sa prethodnom godinom. Poljoprivredna proizvodnja ostvarila je u 2021. godini pad od pet odsto, dok je u istom periodu industrijska proizvodnja… »
Dragan Filipović: Šta nas čeka u 2022.?

Dragan Filipović: Šta nas čeka u 2022.?

BizLife 31.12.2021
Posle skoro dve godine života i rada u kovid uslovima, medijska kuća BIZLife pitala je najuspešnije ljude iz biznisa u Srbiji – Šta naš čeka u 2022.? Predsednik Izvršnog odbora i CEO Generali osiguranja Dragan Filipović ovako je odgovorio… »