Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 23.02.2022
Grčka putarska preduzeća će platiti ogromnu odštetu zbog haosa tokom oluje
BizLife 23.02.2022
Ministar infrastrukture i saobraćaja Grčke, Kostas Karamanlis, kaznio je putarska preduzeća s maksimalnih dva miliona evra, predviđenih zakonom o njihovom osnivanju i radu. Naime, oni će kaznu platiti zbog haosa u saobraćaju na zaobilaznom… »
The first company in Serbia to introduce a four-day working week
BizLife 23.02.2022
The representatives of this company announced that the employees would work in the future four days of the week, and that there would be on-call duties on the fifth day. Employees will take turns regarding on-call duties. As it is explained, this way of… »
Sajam automobila i sajam motocikala u Beogradu od 12. do 15. maja
BizLife 23.02.2022
Sajam automobila “DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07” održaće se na Beogradskoj sajmu od 12. do 15. maja, zajedno sa 14. Medjunarodnim sajam motocikala “Motopešn”, objavljeno je danas. Učešće na sajmu su pored ostalih potvrdili brendovi Škoda, Tojota… »
Inflation spikes 8.2 percent year-on-year
BizLife 23.02.2022
As the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia stated, the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased the most during the past 12 months – by 13.5 percent. What else has become more expensive? Within the food category, the biggest growth… »
Otkazan štrajk u “Krušiku”- dogovor u minut do 12
BizLife 23.02.2022
To je za portal “Nezavisnost” izjavio predsednik Sindikata “ Nezavisnost” u toj kompaniji Dragan Živković. Inače, četiri reprezentativna sindikata namenske industrije Krušik juče su doneli odluku da organizuju jednočasovni štrajk… »