Izvor: Peščanik/Društvo arhiva vesti 26.04.2022
Spaljena zemlja
Peščanik 26.04.2022
<img width="1024" height="602" src="https://pescanik.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/etiopija-1024x602.jpg" alt="Etiopija" class="wp-image-100206 colorbox-100205" title="Etiopija, foto: Adwana/Wikimedia Commons"… »
Siege of Sarajevo – 30 years later
Peščanik 26.04.2022
On April 5th, 1992, the longest siege of a European city since World War 2 began. It lasted 44 months, until December 1995. The people of Sarajevo spent those months without electricity, water, or heating. Over 11,000 people were killed, among them 1,600… »