Izvor: BizLife/Ekonomija arhiva vesti 17.05.2022
Agroeconomic analyst is confident Serbia will not starve
BizLife 17.05.2022
Agroeconomic analyst Zarko Galetin has said that Serbia has enough food and that he is confident that there will be no empty shelves and shortages. Galetin pointed out on Insajder TV that it was necessary to trust the professionals and not to succumb to… »
4 najbitnija saveta za svakoga ko želi da unapredi svoj fotografski talenat
BizLife 17.05.2022
Koliko je kamera zaista bitan deo svakog modernog telefona današnjice možda najbolje zna Xiaomi, demonstrirajući svakim novim modelom da granice ipak mogu biti pomerene a nekad i preskočene zaista velikim koracima. U organizaciji Xiaomija smo nedavno… »