Njegove suze su obišle planetu: Izgubio oca, majku, dva brata i dedu u zemljotresu, ali mu je dres Reala omogućio novi život video
Kurir 15.09.2023
Maroko je nedavno pogodio jak zemljotres u kome je stradalo više od 3.000 ljudi.
Veliki broj je ostao bez krova nad glavom. Ovaj razorni zemljotres uništio je mnoge porodice, među njima i porodicu 14-godišnjeg Abdula Rahima Avhida. On je izgubio celu porodicu, oca, majku, dva brata i dedu. BEST STORY ON THE INTERNET!!! (Humanity Wins Again) Abdul Rahim Awhida lost his entire family to the earthquake that happened in Morocco. He lost his father, mother, 2 brothers and his grandfather. He was recently interviewed wearing a Real Madrid shirt