Izvor: Peščanik/Društvo arhiva vesti 29.01.2025
The Mystery of Serbian GDP
Peščanik 29.01.2025
Photo: Ivana Tutunović Karić In the current politically and emotionally charged situation in Serbia, even seemingly technical issues, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), have become subjects of heated political debates. The end of 2024 and the… »
Misterija srpskog BDP-a
Peščanik 29.01.2025
Foto: Ivana Tutunović Karić U trenutnoj, politički i emotivno naelektrisanoj situaciji u Srbiji, čak i naizgled tehnička pitanja, poput bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP), postala su predmet žestokih političkih rasprava. Kraj 2024. i početak 2025… »