(Foto) patnja prelepe amerikanke: Evo kroz kakav pakao je prošla čirlidersica, jer nije htela seks pre braka
Kurir 17.04.2018

Bivša čirlidersica NFL ligaša Majami Delfinsa Kristin En Ver (27) tužila je taj klub, jer je, kako navodi u tužbi, zlostavljana zbog vere i devičanstva, prenosi britanski "San".
Kristin tvrdi da su je mnogi ismevali zbog odluke da sa prvim seksom sačeka do sklapanja braka. On your knee's you pray, you breathe, you muster up what's left of your hope. There's gotta be more to this life than just to cope. • Moments like this... moments that you won't miss. • When tears are falling and the enemy is calling. The enemy won't stop calling. Calling... Calling out your mistakes and fears. Discouraging your purpose with worries