Minut tapšanja u borbi protiv rasizma: Pogledajte sjajan gest fudbalera Tadićevog Ajaksa (video)
Kurir 24.11.2019

Na meču prve holandske fudbalske lige u kom su se sastali fudbaleri Ajaksa i Heraklesa lopta je mirovala 60 sekundi u znak podrške u borbi protiv rasizma.
Razlog su bile nemile scene na meču između Den Haga i Ekscelsiora. Ajax and Heracles didn’t kick the ball for the first minute of today’s league match in protest at racism. Clubs across the country’s top two divisions agreed to the measure after Excelsior’s Ahmad Mendes Moreira was subjected to racist abuse last weekend. pic.twitter.com/T200UexKdj — ESPN FC (@ESPNFC) November 23, 2019 Tada su krilnom igraču Ekscelsiora Ahmadu Moreiri navijači Den Boša pogrdno